tanah selatan dan antartika perancis bahasa Inggris
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- selatan: south; southern; s; confederate states; due
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- antartika: antarctic; antartic; antarctica; south frigid
- perancis: france; frecnh; french; white burgundy; burgundy;
- pulau di tanah selatan dan antartika perancis: islands of the french southern and antarctic lands
- perancis selatan: southern france
- antartika: antarctic; antartic; antarctica; south frigid zone; south-polar; antarctic continent; antarctic zone
- perang perancis dan indian: french and indian war
- perkataan dan frasa perancis: french words and phrases
- anjing pemburu inggeris-perancis dan perancis: anglo-français and français (hound)
- bisnis tanah dan rumah: real estate
- broker rumah dan tanah: realtor
- degradasi dan retrogesi tanah: soil retrogression and degradation
- tanah dan bangunan: real property; real state; estate in land; real estate; property; land; realty